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All of these links will take you straight to the merchant where if you will find any AirXonix discount being promoted they would list them. Available Platforms: Windows 95/98/ME.
Oct 17, 2013 - CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE WORKING serial keys text file (100+ serial numbers tested working) Enjoy guys! Have a very nice day:).
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AirXonix is a modern 3-dimensional remake of the famous Xonix game. In the older Xonix you controlled a device, which moved over a field with several monster-balls wandering inside. The objective was to cut the balls away from as much spare field as possible. The rules of AirXonix are almost the same, except the device you control is flying in the air and everything is in full 3D! The stunning special effects are strengthened by 3D sound!
New types of monsters and a slew of different bonuses all displayed in full 3D bring the old game to an entirely new level. The complete AirXonix distribution includes 5 types of games with more then 80 levels. The rules are simple and the game will give unforgettable pleasure to people of any age!