Chloe Marcie Bag Serial Number
Visit your bag. Go to a store that you know to be selling authentic top-quality Chloe handbags, and take a close look at the item. Note the details of stitching, placement of identification tags and the serial numbers; you can even request to see the dust bag.
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Auth: Mine: Note: in some of my pics the leather looks darker and, in some others, lighter. The darker color is “real life” accurate. The difference in color has to do with the light and my positioning as I took pics.
FROM: I ordered this bag from a closed group on Facebook. In this group, you post a pic of what you want or send it to an admin and they’ll tell you if they can get it. They will also post bags and shoes they can get from their seller.
There are two admins and one mod—all of them are based in the U.S. My understanding is that their source is a private seller NOT in China but I haven’t asked for his name or location since I’m just happy to have the pretty bags coming. The admins (esp the mod) are responsive to PMs. I had a bit of a heart attack ordering this bag because of how different this process is since I have been reading here for months and it was my first rep purchase (I have a review up for a Gucci disco bag and a Chanel wallet from JSSPLUX —- they came about a week after Marcie and were ordered well after the Marcie). Regan, the mod, held my hand through the process of waiting lol.
PAYMENT AND SHIPPING: Price was $495 which I don’t have a problem with for a gorgeous all-leather bag. I paid via Paypal invoice so I liked the ease and safety of that. The challenge was waiting. There is a 4-6 week wait once you pay for your bag. My understanding is that bags are sent in larger shipments to the admins and then they ship to buyers. The price included 2 day priority shipping in the U.S. They also sell to international buyers although I’m not sure what the process is.
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QUALITY AND ACCURACY: PSPs are not available (at least I didn’t ask for any). What made me confident were all of the pics of available bags plus all of the pics of bags received plus comments from satisfied customers in the group. The Chanels in there are gorgeous!
I also PMed someone in the group just to verify the products and process were legit (and she assured me they were). My bag came with a dust bag, a small product card and strap. When I opened the package, I don’t remember a chemical smell. The leather smells amazing and the hand feel is awesome. This bag is beautiful. As soon as I went through everything I got online to see if this bag obviously looks like a fake. I think the logo is awesome although the more I look at it I think the “e” should be imprinted deeper?
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At the time I first went over it, the logo looked great and I would love some feedback on the logo and/or any other giveaways that this bag is a rep (from the pics). The stitching is great. The brushed gold metal wear feels substantial as do the zippers. The zippers, both the main one and the one inside, work great and are top quality. One (supposed) issue on a rep is that the auths have YKK zippers and the reps don’t.
These have another brand of zippers although I couldn’t read the print to see the name of the brand. The amount of numbers in the serial number in the inside pocket seems to be the same in terms of how many numbers you would find in an auth. The hologram looks a little different from the pics I found online but I also read sources that said Chloe may have changed that.