Dozimetr Radiometr Mks 01r Instrukciya Po Ekspluatacii
Of measurements was conducted with the dosimeter-radiometer MKS-1117 (EL. Dozimetr gamma izlucheniay EL 1101 Instrukciya po ekspluatacii (EL 1101.
FIELD: detection of low fluxes of ionizing radiation from mobile and immobile, open and closed beta-, gamma- and neutron sources with use of ionization counters ( proportional or Geiger counters ) or scintillation detectors. SUBSTANCE: threshold q 0 is determined before start of test of objects in correspondence with probability of false operations specified by operator by tables for normal distribution, then average rate b of background counting for time t b and average rate n of counting of additive mixture of signal and background obtained for time t n of object presence in field of vision of detector.
Superstamps download. Later parameter η is found by processing of measurement results by formula. Minecraft indir dosya co.