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Objective personality assessment of people in diverse cultures: European adaptations of the MMPI-2 Objective personality assessment of people in diverse cultures: European adaptations of the MMPI-2 Butcher, James; Derksen, Jan; Sloore, Hedwig; Sirigatti, Saulo 2003-07-01 00:00:00 This article examines the cross-national application of psychological tests and examines the generalizability of objective psychological assessment instruments. The most widely used and internationally adapted personality instrument, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2), is highlighted to illustrate the adaptation of psychological tests across the barriers of language and culture. The problems and limitations of using questionnaire methods were noted and effective strategies for translating, adapting, and standardizing questionnaires in languages and cultures different from their country of origin are reviewed. The history of several European adaptations of the original MMPI and MMPI-2 is surveyed to illustrate the extensive research base for the test in Europe. Applications of the MMPI-2 in clinical and non-clinical (e.g. Industrial) settings were noted.
Current research is described and recommendations for future research are provided. Behaviour Research and Therapy Elsevier Abstract This article examines the cross-national application of psychological tests and examines the generalizability of objective psychological assessment instruments. The most widely used and internationally adapted personality instrument, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2), is highlighted to illustrate the adaptation of psychological tests across the barriers of language and culture. The problems and limitations of using questionnaire methods were noted and effective strategies for translating, adapting, and standardizing questionnaires in languages and cultures different from their country of origin are reviewed. The history of several European adaptations of the original MMPI and MMPI-2 is surveyed to illustrate the extensive research base for the test in Europe.
Applications of the MMPI-2 in clinical and non-clinical (e.g. Industrial) settings were noted. Current research is described and recommendations for future research are provided. Journal Behaviour Research and Therapy – Elsevier Published: Jul 1, 2003.
Gennady VYZHLETSOV. Saint Petersburg State University, Russia Department of Philosophy, Chair of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge Professor, Doctor of Science (Philosophy).
The authors ground the necessity to clarify the terminological and phenomenological specifics of the terms: “self-fulfillment”, “personal development”, “self-development”. The attention is drawn to the formal usage of these terms in the pedagogical science and the ambiguous interpretations by different scientific schools of psychology. The research of the manifestation of self-fulfillment and personal development is performed based on a selection of 126 teenagers, engaging the “Personal growth” scales from the methods of psychological well-being by C. Ryff, the “Personal growth” scales from the methods of “Life aspirations” by E.Deci, R.Ryan, as well as the author’s method of directivity to self-fulfillment and method to reveal the significance by V.Y, Kotlyakov. For the first time the authors’ questionnaire to measure the self-development in different life spheres is employed.
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The analysis of the empirical results allows to make a grounded statement that the contemporary teenagers have a prevailing egocentric directivity of self-fulfillment and reveals as well the importance of the interest to the moral aspects of being and the interiorized values of personal growth for the harmonious self-fulfillment of the teenager. Golovanova N.F., Dermanova I.B. Vozrastnye osobennosti motivatsii samorazvitiya [The age-related specifics of motivation of self-development].
Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii “ Anan'evskie chteniya — 2017: Preemstvennost' v psikhologicheskoi nauke: V.M. Bekhterev, B.G. Anan'ev, B.F.