Varma Kalai Books In Tamil Pdf
• • • Varma Kalai (:வர்மக்கலை varmakkalai), is a traditional art of vital points. It originated in. It is a component of traditional massage, alternative medicine, traditional yoga and in which the body's pressure points ( Varmam) are manipulated to heal or cause harm. The healing application called Vaidhiya Murai is a part of used ( siddha vaidyam). Its combat application is known as Adimurai, Adi Murai or Varma Adimurai meaning 'pressure-point striking', and can be done either empty-handed or with a blunt weapon such as a stick or staff. Usually taught as an advanced stage of Fighting Systems, strikes are targeted at the nerves, veins, tendons, soft tissues or ligaments, organs and bone joints. Contents • • • • History [ ] Folklore traces varma kalai to the god who is said to have taught it to his son.
While disguised as an old man, Murugan passed the knowledge of 108 Varmams to the sage who then recorded it and disseminated the skill among his students. Is also attributed to Agastya. With numerous other scattered references to Varmam in Vedic and epic sources, it is certain that 's early fighters knew and practised attacking and defending Vital Points. Knowledge of the body's vital points in India was not just confined to humans but also elephants. Known as nila, learning these points on an elephant's body was and remains necessary for. Prodding particular nila with a stick elicits various responses such as bringing the animal under control or making them kneel.
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Warriors would learn to attack certain nila on opposing war-elephants during battle, which could either kill or frighten the animals. The national museums of have documented at least 86 nila and their functions. Schools [ ] Varma kalai is attributed to several (sages), namely,, Theriyar and Pulipani. Out of these, only the Agastya school is commonly practiced in and in the neighboring state of. See also [ ] • • • • • References [ ].
Currently Varma Kalai is practised in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, usually as part of Kuttu varisai. Few known books on Varma Kalai are listed below. Training Materials & Books. The Varmakalai poster e-book contains all the varmaa points with pictorial representation.
Also you can avail two free online. 21 Feb Buddha Kalari, an academy of Varma Kalai, Kalaripayattu and centre for Marma has the distinction of keeping alive the great legacy of martial. Author: Tubei Tezahn Country: Papua New Guinea Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Sex Published (Last): 20 October 2004 Pages: 16 PDF File Size: 8.4 Mb ePub File Size: 20.54 Mb ISBN: 679-6-56744-275-7 Downloads: 77364 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required] Uploader: Remember that by downloading this song you accept our terms and conditions.
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