Windows 9598seme Ram Limitation Patch
I know win98se has a 512mb ram limitation. I saw this 'Windows 98 SE Service Pack 2.1a' which claims to 'solve the 512mb problem'. I never known this is actually possible with Windows 98. Thanks for sharing. The one and only RAM Limitation Patch by Rudolph Loew.
I've been running 768MB RAM with my Win98se box and i've noticed it's been getting quite unstable (now that i'm using it more). It seemed ok to begin with without installing patches or messing around with configs. I've since installed the unofficial service pack which is supposed to fix the 512MB RAM limit, but it's made no difference. Memtest reports all modules as ok too! I'm thinking about maybe dropping down to 512MB (2 sticks) to see if it solves anything. Does anyone else have stability issues with more than 512MB? Random freezes/lockups etc.?
Oldbie Posts: 738 Joined: 2009-6-27 @ 00:07 Location: UK. Gamecollector wrote:By the way, the msconfig with /maxmem is just editing the MaxPhysPage value in [386enh] section of system.ini. So - just set this value to 1FFFF (512 MB).
This method is working even with the Win9x installation process. Now I don't need to remove DIMMs if I want to reinstall WinME. The unofficial service pack (as early as v1.2 ) already includes the memory fix, so i'm thinking maybe my motherboard or even the Powerleap adapter isn't playing nice with the RAM maxed out?
I'm now running 512MB with no issues at all. It would mainly crash when copying large files (especially from USB sticks) when i had more than 512MB RAM. I like this thread on the subject Look for posts by someone named 'gosh' who claims to be a former tech support rep for MS and how his comments are responded to by the community. His comments are basically of the 'Windows 98 sucks so you should upgrade to XP' type and he gets smacked down for his lack of knowledge of the current (unofficial) state of Windows 98 before the mods step in to diffuse the situation before it explodes into a 9x vs NT flame war. L33t++ Posts: 5754 Joined: 2010-6-25 @ 13:02. Sliderider wrote:I like this thread on the subject Look for posts by someone named 'gosh' who claims to be a former tech support rep for MS and how his comments are responded to by the community. His comments are basically of the 'Windows 98 sucks so you should upgrade to XP' type and he gets smacked down for his lack of knowledge of the current (unofficial) state of Windows 98 before the mods step in to diffuse the situation before it explodes into a 9x vs NT flame war.
The thread would have been better off without his posts. I don't want XP on this machine (ever!). I also don't fancy spending $20 on a 'Ram Limitation Patch' by R. I'm thinking maybe i should just do a fresh install of Win98 again and then install the latest/LAST unofficial service pack 3-b4. I can install Windows 98se fine with all 768mb RAM installed. Oldbie Posts: 738 Joined: 2009-6-27 @ 00:07 Location: UK. TELVM wrote:To make W98SE run OK with 768MB of RAM, just add this line to system.ini, below [VCache]: [VCache] MaxFileCache=262144 Then add this line to system.cb (for safe mode): [VCache] MaxFileCache=65536 Thanks, but the unofficial service packs do this automatically.
It seems people have different results depending on the figures used and hardware setup. I also read somewhere that the amount of VRAM and even certain Ethernet drivers can affect the overall RAM limit too (all about available memory address space afaik). Oldbie Posts: 738 Joined: 2009-6-27 @ 00:07 Location: UK. I use HIMEMX in the config.sys on my machine to restrict the available memory, and it works excellently.
(I have also read that HIMEMX may also be necessary if you want to use certain nVidia drivers with Windows 98, simply because HIMEMX is just that much more awesome.) The only catch with HIMEMX is that when you try to launch Windows 98 in safe mode, it will still try to use HIMEM instead and the system may hang. There was some talk over at MSFN about editing IO.SYS (I think) to change the relevant reference to load HIMEMX instead, or you can just rename the old HIMEM and replace it with HIMEMX directly. 3d analyzer offline installer. L33t++ Posts: 7043 Joined: 2003-2-14 @ 19:50 Location: Canada.
I think i've discovered the problem, and it appears to be CPU related! My motherboard/Powerleap combo doesn't like the A1 stepping Celeron (random crashes), but it appears to work fine with a B1 stepping Celeron. I find this quite odd. Both A1 and B1 stepping Celerons are in perfect working order as a friend and i tested them thoroughly with other systems (with and without the Powerleap adapter, of which i have 2).
I can only guess it's down to the SE440BX2 bios. It's all working fine so far using a B1 stepping Celeron (SL6C6). I'll just sell my other Celeron chip along with my spare Powerleap adapter (all fully working) seeing as i won't be using it. Oldbie Posts: 738 Joined: 2009-6-27 @ 00:07 Location: UK.