Harley Transmission Serial Numbers
Harley Davidson. NHTSA Car Recall. Our company is dedicated to the mission of providing the best vehicle identification number results on the Internet. For Big Twin transmissions 1936-1964 there are 4 types of transmissions cases that were used. Transmission identification. ↳ The Harley-Davidson Combination.
Tech's Web Harley-Davidson® Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Info 1970-1980 Harley Davidson ® VIN Identification Guide This list is unofficial and is not gospel, only what I have been able to cross in various manuals, web sites and dealerships. If you have more updated info on this data, please let me know.
Year Groups Model Info VIN Info • Numbers on both frame and engine. From the factory, the numbers on the frame and engine matched exactly*. (There is an exception to this. See ' The 1979 Exception' below). The legal VIN number is on the frame.
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